{ "incidentMessageCollection": { "items": [ { "title": "Split Configuration Missing Description Information on August 29 & 30, 2024", "date": "2024-08-30T23:02:30.000+02:00", "resolved": false, "systemAffected": "CUSTOMER_AREA_REPORTING", "severity": "YELLOW", "incidentStatusCollection": { "items": [ { "__typename": "IncidentStatus", "sys": { "id": "285HUjEKDXvJTOVnlMPXYX" }, "description": { "json": { "data": {}, "content": [ { "data": {}, "content": [ { "data": {}, "marks": [], "value": "We have identified and solved an issue on our platform, in which split configuration did not generate the split type description information for a subset of split payments. ", "nodeType": "text" } ], "nodeType": "paragraph" }, { "data": {}, "content": [ { "data": {}, "marks": [], "value": "As a result of this issue, customers will not see the description information for the affected split payments in the Customer Area and notifications. 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", "nodeType": "text" } ], "nodeType": "paragraph" }, { "data": {}, "content": [ { "data": {}, "marks": [], "value": "You can also follow future updates through our status page (", "nodeType": "text" }, { "data": { "uri": "https://status.adyen.com" }, "content": [ { "data": {}, "marks": [], "value": "https://status.adyen.com", "nodeType": "text" } ], "nodeType": "hyperlink" }, { "data": {}, "marks": [], "value": ").", "nodeType": "text" } ], "nodeType": "paragraph" } ], "nodeType": "document" } }, "status": "IDENTIFIED", "date": "2024-08-30T23:02:30.000+02:00" }, { "__typename": "IncidentStatus", "sys": { "id": "4kDzBfO8ducpa9bVjnAb1Y" }, "description": { "json": { "nodeType": "document", "data": {}, "content": [ { "nodeType": "paragraph", "content": [ { "nodeType": "text", "value": "Our engineering team has regenerated the data for the affected split payments. During this week, we will be ingesting our data tables with such data to be able to regenerate the impacted reports. ", "marks": [], "data": {} } ], "data": {} }, { "nodeType": "paragraph", "content": [ { "nodeType": "text", "value": "We will provide a new update once it becomes available. ", "marks": [], "data": {} } ], "data": {} }, { "nodeType": "paragraph", "content": [ { "nodeType": "text", "value": "Please reach out to your Adyen point of contact or visit help.adyen.com/contact in case of any questions. ", "marks": [], "data": {} } ], "data": {} }, { "nodeType": "paragraph", "content": [ { "nodeType": "text", "value": "You can also follow future updates through our status page (", "marks": [], "data": {} }, { "nodeType": "hyperlink", "data": { "uri": "https://status.adyen.com" }, "content": [ { "nodeType": "text", "value": "https://status.adyen.com", "marks": [], "data": {} } ] }, { "nodeType": "text", "value": ").", "marks": [], "data": {} } ], "data": {} } ] } }, "status": "UPDATED", "date": "2024-09-02T23:08:25.000+02:00" }, { "__typename": "IncidentStatus", "sys": { "id": "1vJFzSdZiWiUgeviJZbLbR" }, "description": { "json": { "nodeType": "document", "data": {}, "content": [ { "nodeType": "paragraph", "content": [ { "nodeType": "text", "value": "The Marketplace Payment Accounting reports for Classic integration have been successfully regenerated with the corrected data for August 26-30, 2024, and are now available for download from the Customer Area. ", "marks": [], "data": {} } ], "data": {} }, { "nodeType": "paragraph", "content": [ { "nodeType": "text", "value": "Please note, contrary to what was initially communicated, the following reports are not impacted by this issue:", "marks": [], "data": {} }, { "nodeType": "text", "value": "-", "marks": [], "data": {} }, { "nodeType": "text", "value": " Marketpay Balance Report", "marks": [], "data": {} }, { "nodeType": "text", "value": "-", "marks": [], "data": {} }, { "nodeType": "text", "value": " Marketpay Payout Report ", "marks": [], "data": {} } ], "data": {} }, { "nodeType": "paragraph", "content": [ { "nodeType": "text", "value": "We will provide a new update once the remaining impacted reports have been regenerated and become available for download. ", "marks": [], "data": {} } ], "data": {} }, { "nodeType": "paragraph", "content": [ { "nodeType": "text", "value": "Please reach out to your Adyen point of contact or visit help.adyen.com/contact in case of any questions. 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", "marks": [], "data": {} } ] }, { "nodeType": "paragraph", "data": {}, "content": [ { "nodeType": "text", "value": "Additionally, we aim to deliver the remaining reports by September 13, 2024. 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